My Minnetonka Mission
Listen. Learn. Bridge. Act.
Let's ensure Minnetonka is a vibrant, sustainable, and safe community for generations to come.
Let's Continue Doing More...Together
Let's build on the great things our city offers in so many areas! Minnetonka enjoys beautiful parks and lakes, wonderful schools, neighborhoods and shops, and amazing businesses and amenities. This is in no small part due to the hard work of city leaders and residents, both past and present!
We should be proud of Minnetonka - yet also constantly seek ways to improve - to listen and learn from our neighbors and community organizations, from our city boards & commissions, from experts and other cities. Positive community engagement and trust happens when all voices are heard with respect and empathy, and also when folks have visibility and access to the people and processes shaping our community's present and future.
As a Minnetonka City Council Member, I'll reach out, listen, learn and act with the mission of doing more, together, for current generations in our community and those yet to come.
Let's Be a 'Sustainably Thriving' Community
Let's accelerate our efforts for a Minnetonka that cherishes our natural environment and builds climate-change resiliency for our children's grandchildren.
Let's preserve, maintain and improve our parks & natural resources in a way that centers sustainability while also including ample recreational options.
Let's prioritize sustainability and 'smart growth' in general and also in new and re-development projects.
Let's incentivize residents & businesses to adopt sustainability practices that meaningfully reduce our community's carbon emissions.
Let's Ensure a Welcoming & Safe Minnetonka
​Let's continue on the path toward an ever more vibrant and welcoming city; a place where we all feel secure, respected and able to thrive - because 'we all do better when we all do better!'
Let's ensure that businesses both large and small can thrive - as a former small business owner myself, I know they're the economic heart of our community!
Let's work together to promote a wide range of housing options and opportunities - because everyone who works in Minnetonka should be able to afford to live here - from CEOs to teachers and fire-fighters to our neighborhood barista (and our adult children!).
Let's promote vibrant neighborhoods and public spaces that are secure, walkable and connected - with safe bike and pedestrian trails, sidewalks and safety crossings, as well as transit shelters and stations.
Let's honor our elders with housing and programs that help them stay and thrive in Minnetonka.
Let's support Minnetonka's public safety officers in their work to serve and protect everyone in our community.